Aphelandra Zebra

Aphelandra Zebra

1 minute read


The Zebra's large, pointed leaves are a deep glossy green with bright silvery veins. The sharp contrast of the two are why the plant is named after the animal. 


On average, these plants grow to be 3 feet tall.


These plants are toxic to humans and pets, and should never be ingested under any circumstances.


  • Light
    • This plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight. If placing indoors, a southern facing window is optimal.
  • Water
    • Regularly water the plant, never allowing it to fully dry out. 
  • Temperature
    • Anything above  60° is optimal, the warmer the better. 
  • Humidity
    • Medium to high levels of humidity allow this plant to thrive
  • Soil
    • Rich, organic potting soil will work fine.
  • Fertilizer
    • Give a water-soluble fertilizer twice a month during growth season.
  • Re-potting
    • Annually, or once the roots have outgrown their pot.



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