Autumn Fern

Autumn Fern

1 minute read


The Autumn fern grows wide, flat, canopy-like leaves that bunch together to form it's timeless figure


On average, these plants grow to be 4 feet tall.


These plants are toxic to humans and pets, and should never be ingested under any circumstances.


  • Light
    • This plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight. If placing indoors, a southern facing window is optimal.
  • Water
    • Regularly water the plant, allowing it to fully dry out before proceeding to water again. 
  • Temperature
    • Anything between  64° F to 75° is optimal, the warmer the better. 
  • Humidity
    • Medium to high levels of humidity allow this plant to thrive
  • Soil
    • Rich, bark/peat based soils that are lightweight are optimal. It should be able to retain moisture, but not hold water.
  • Fertilizer
    • Give a diluted liquid fertilizer throughout the growing season.
  • Re-potting
    • Repot every two years into a pot slightly larger than its last.

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