Hoya Carnosa Tricolor

Hoya Carnosa Tricolor

1 minute read


The foliage of the Tricolor is much lie the name suggests, and contains three different variegations of color. The vines and leaves show unique patterns of bright pink, white, and green.


On average, these plants grow to be 3 feet tall.


Though non-toxic, these plants should never be ingested. 


  • Light
    • This plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight. If placing indoors, a southern facing window is optimal.
  • Water
    • Regularly water the plant, allowing it to fully dry out before proceeding to water again. 
  • Temperature
    • Anything between 60° F to 75° is optimal, the warmer the better. 
  • Humidity
    • Medium to high levels of humidity allow this plant to thrive
  • Soil
    • Rich, bark/peat based soils that are lightweight are optimal. It should be able to retain moisture, but not hold water.
  • Fertilizer
    • Give a water-soluble fertilizer spring through summer.
  • Re-potting
    • Hoyas don't mind being slightly root bound, so it's fine to leave them in the same pot for years.



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