Neanthe Belle Palm

Neanthe Belle Palm

1 minute read


These palms are relatively small in comparison to other plants of the same species, however, what it lacks in size it makes up for in fullness. Its dense clusters of skinny leaves make it resemble a bush more so than a palm during growth seasons. 


On average, these plants grow to be 3 feet tall. 


These plants are non-toxic.


  • Light
    • This plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight. If placing indoors, a southern facing window is optimal.
  • Water
    • The plant is highly sensitive to overwatering, allow it to dry out before proceeding to water again. 
  • Temperature
    • Anything between  68° F to 80°F is optimal, the warmer the better. 
  • Humidity
    • Medium to high levels of humidity allow this plant to thrive
  • Soil
    • Rich, bark/peat based soils that are lightweight are optimal. It should be able to retain moisture, but not hold water.
  • Fertilizer
    • Give a water-soluble succulent fertilizer twice during the growth season.
  • Re-potting
    • Depending on the speed of growth, the plant may need to be repotted every other year. Some can go much longer.



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